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In Bed With Her Boss (Kimani Romance) Page 11


  “Yes, sweetheart?”


  He met her gaze and saw the deep desire in them. He knew she really didn’t know what she was pleading for, but he would definitely show her. He eased his body over hers, loving the feel of her naked flesh against his. He held on to her gaze as he braced his elbows on each side of her, as he situated himself between her quaking thighs. When he saw her close her eyes, he asked her to keep them open. He wanted her to watch him give her pleasure.

  He leaned the lower part of his body down and his erection immediately touched her womanly core. Again she moaned.

  He smiled at her. “You like that?”

  Instead of speaking, she nodded.

  “Hold on, there’s more of me to give. You might feel a little pain.”

  He eased his shaft into her. The pain came and went so quickly, she barely felt it. What she was feeling now was pleasure. But she noticed he had stopped moving. “What’s wrong?” she asked in a voice filled with panic.

  He leaned down to kiss her to assure her everything was all right. There was no way he could explain the magnitude of the emotions he felt being inside of her. But he was only halfway. “You’re tight and I don’t want to hurt you. Relax.”

  She smiled up at him. “I am relaxed.”

  He chuckled. “Then relax some more.”

  She thought if she got any more relaxed, she would fall asleep. He eased into her deeper and she felt more pain than she had before.

  “You okay?”

  She nodded, feeling him deeply embedded within her to the hilt. She wrapped her arms around his neck and smiled up at him. “I’m fine.”

  Holding her gaze, he began moving, in and out, setting a pace that had her moaning. Her body became wrapped up in pleasure so intense she could barely stand it. All the while, their gazes were locked and then her body seemed to explode in tiny pieces. She screamed out his name and her body shuddered uncontrollably.


  And then she was floating…when she heard him call out her name, another erotic spasm tore through her as his body thrust continuously into hers and her hips automatically raised to receive him. The rhythm he established showed once again what a gifted musician he was. Each stroke into her body was precise, well tuned and unerringly perfect. He finally broke eye contact with her when he threw his head back and called out her name again. The sound seemed to echo off the walls.

  Once their breathing was under control, he kissed her again. Opal knew this was what they would share for the rest of their time together. She loved him and, although he didn’t love her, she believed she had made the right decision in having an affair with him.

  Her love would be enough to get her through.

  Chapter 13

  Opal awoke the next morning in D’marcus’s bed alone. She glanced over at the clock on the nightstand and saw the time was past nine. She jerked upright. She’d never slept this late before, and technically it was a workday. In fact, D’marcus had had a conference call with the other owners of the Chargers team at eight.

  She swung her feet over the side of the bed and moaned when she felt a distinct soreness between her legs—a blatant reminder of her activities last night and in the predawn hours. Under D’marcus’s masculine powers she’d been unable to think, only to feel. When he touched her, she’d been filled with pure sensual sensations that had flowed through every vein and invaded every nerve of her body.

  The mere memory quickened her pulse, a testament to his sexual prowess. But now her lover was absent, gone to work. Exactly where she should be.

  She left his room and went into hers, wondering why D’marcus hadn’t awakened her when he knew she had work to do. She quickly showered and dressed and, in less than thirty minutes, she was rushing down the stairs.

  From behind his desk, D’marcus looked up when she walked into his office. The moment Opal saw him she had to fight back a ragged moan. Just seeing him instantly reminded her of everything they had done the night before. Unable to move, she stood there staring at him.

  He did the same and she could see his eyes darken. She wondered if he too was reliving their lovemaking in his memory. She couldn’t help feeling a little embarrassed. There wasn’t a part of her body that he hadn’t kissed, touched, tasted. The mere thought sent heat flowing all through her and she felt flushed.

  Somehow, she found her voice. “Why didn’t you wake me?”

  “You needed your rest,” he said, as if that settled everything.

  For her, it didn’t. “But I have a job to do.”

  “Nothing that couldn’t wait until you were ready to get up.”

  In a way, she was shocked by his statement. How many bosses waited to start their day until their staff was ready to come to work? For him to give her that kind of leverage was not only unfair but ridiculous. “What about the conference call with Williams and Hennessy?”

  D’marcus leaned back in his chair. “They called, we talked and made decisions. We’ll be placing Dashuan on suspension without pay. However, they’re going to let me deliver the news to him personally when I return to Detroit next week.”

  Opal didn’t like the sound of that. She’d noticed more than once that the other two owners left unpleasant matters for D’marcus to handle, especially when they concerned Dashuan Kennedy.

  She shook her head, deciding to go back to their earlier topic of conversation. “I should have been present for that conference call, D’marcus.”

  He tossed a pen on his desk. “And I preferred letting you sleep, Opal. End of conversation.”

  She glared at him and turned to leave the room.

  “Opal?” She kept walking away but, quickly remembering that he was still her boss, she stopped and turned around. “Yes?”

  He had come around his desk and was sitting on the edge of it. “Will you come here for a moment, please?”

  She wished she could say no, but knew that would be total disrespect. “Yes, sir.”

  He lifted a brow. “‘Yes, sir’?”

  She nodded when she came to a stop in front of him. “Yes, sir.”

  At first, she thought she had made him angry by being so formal with him until she took a good look into the dark depths of his eyes. What she saw almost took her breath away. It wasn’t anger but male hunger. The same look that had been in his eyes most of last night. She had discovered over the past eight hours that D’marcus had a sexual appetite unlike anyone she’d ever met. But then he not only took, he gave. She was almost too embarrassed to think about all the orgasms she’d had. Her body had been receptive to his lovemaking over and over again. He probably had more passion in his little finger than some men had in their entire bodies. Even now her body was beginning to feel hot and bothered just standing this close to him.

  “First of all,” he said, reclaiming her attention as he reached out and caressed the bare part of her arms, “I prefer you not calling me sir. Second, if I feel you need more rest and decide to let you sleep, then I’d rather you not question it.”

  “But what about my work?”

  “What about it?”

  She rolled her eyes, deciding to try another angle. “Will we be working today, D’marcus?”

  “Not until later today. Much later. I’m going to enjoy the morning.”

  She lifted a brow, not really liking the sound of that. “And do what?”

  “This for starters.”

  He pulled her to him and his mouth captured hers. The moment he did so, more memories invaded her and her body automatically responded. She was helpless not to kiss him back with the same hunger with which he was kissing her. He released her mouth only long enough to sweep her off her feet and into his arms. He began moving out of the room.

  “Where are you taking me?” she asked in a whisper.

  “Back to my bed where we’re going to stay for a while.”

  “But what about—”

  He didn’t let her finis
h what she was about to say. Instead, he stopped walking and kissed her again to silence her. When he finally released her mouth, she was too drunk on desire to think straight, let alone speak.

  When they made it up the stairs to his room, he quickly dispensed with her clothing, as well as his own, then laid her down on the bed. Smiling down at her, he put a condom on just as he’d done the night before, but, unlike last night, she was no longer embarrassed to watch him.

  Moments later he eased his powerful body down on the bed and kissed her, making her moan deep in her throat when his tongue plunged into her mouth. He joined his body with hers, driving into her deeply, then pulling out, over and over again.


  He smiled as he thrust into her once more. “Now, that’s what I want to hear. My name on your lips.” And then he kissed her again when he felt his own orgasm charging through his body.

  She wrapped her arms tightly around him to hold him close and locked her legs around his back to pull him deeper into her. How he was making her feel now, as well as last night, was beyond any sensation she’d ever experienced. When D’marcus released a raw groan and called out her name, everything within her shattered and she felt the most wonderful, explosive sensations all the way to her toes.

  Long after the orgasm ended, they lay in each other’s arms with their gazes locked and their bodies still connected. “Now, tell me,” D’marcus said in a low and husky voice, “why you were in such a bad mood this morning?”

  Opal frowned. “I wasn’t in a bad mood. But…”

  “But what?”

  “But I still don’t understand why you didn’t wake me up.”

  He shook his head. He appreciated her dedication, however, he just didn’t understand what the big deal was. “Would you believe me if I told you that I like how you look when you’re asleep?”

  “That shouldn’t matter. I have a job to do. And I just don’t want you to forget that.”

  D’marcus felt there was a deeper meaning behind her words. “And why would I forget you have a job to do, Opal?”

  “Because of this,” she said quietly, shifting her body slightly.

  He released a deep groan. “You keep that up and this will become that,” he said, shifting his own body, letting her know that he’d gotten aroused again. “Now, back to the issue of your job. Us sleeping together will not make me forget that you work for me. They are separate concerns.”

  “Then, why are we here in bed and not in your office working?”

  He leaned down and placed a quick kiss on her lips. “Mainly because Henry Gregory called and asked if he could change his appointment to this afternoon. His wife has a doctor’s appointment this morning and he wants to be there with her. She had breast cancer a year ago and today is the day for her recheck.”


  “And since there was nothing else on our schedule, I thought you and I would do something to relax.” He leaned down and kissed her on the lips again. “You do find making love with me relaxing, don’t you?” he asked with a quick smile.

  Relaxing? She didn’t want to inflate his ego by saying she found making love to him more like mind-blowing. If they kept it up on a frequent basis, it might become outright habit-forming. “Yes, it’s relaxing,” she said instead. “But so are a number of other things,” she quickly added.

  “But would you prefer doing those other things to this?”

  She knew the answer to that question right away. She didn’t prefer doing anything to this. “No,” she said simply.

  Another smile touched the corner of his lips. “I’m definitely glad to hear that.” He leaned forward to kiss her neck, then her shoulder. “I guess I should be a good host and at least feed you breakfast,” he said, kissing her lips once again.

  Opal’s heartbeat increased every time he used his tongue that way. “Right now food is the last thing on my mind,” she said in a shuddering voice.

  “Really? And what’s the first thing on your mind?” he asked, pulling her closer to the fit of him, making sure she felt how and where their bodies were connected.

  Opal instinctively flexed her hips, making him go deeper inside of her. “This is the first thing on my mind,” she answered with a fragmented moan.

  D’marcus shifted their bodies so she lay directly beneath him. “I’m very glad to hear that.” He then proceeded to show her how much.

  For the first time in three years, D’marcus decided to jog along the beach. Jogging was something he did a lot in Detroit, even when the weather wasn’t at its best. Usually, though, when he returned to the Bay, he never stayed in his home long enough to indulge in this pastime. Besides, he had avoided the ocean for years, failing at accomplishing what he had originally purchased the home for, which was to make peace with the sea.

  His lips curved slightly into a smile when he thought about the woman he had left sleeping in his bed. This time, he intended to wake her up so she could have time to prepare for their meeting later today with Henry Gregory. She had gotten upset because she’d assumed because they had become lovers he had seen her duties to him as changing.

  If only she knew how much he had come to depend on her efficiency and her expertise. Although she didn’t know it, several of his department managers had approached him with positions they thought she would more than adequately fill once her internship ended. He would hate losing her as his administrative assistant, but he was not one to stand in the way of her opportunities.

  What he’d told her earlier today was true. Once he had made up his mind not to avoid having a relationship with her, he had decided that her working for him and their affair were two separate entities, having nothing to do with each other.

  He slowed down and inhaled a deep breath. It was time to head back to the house. His aunt had called and again had insisted that he bring Opal back for a visit before she left on Friday.

  He smiled. It seemed that his aunt had really been taken with Opal. But, then, he was quite taken with her, as well.

  Chapter 14

  Opal smiled at D’marcus’s announcement the next morning at breakfast. They would be joining his aunt and uncle for dinner later that day. She really liked his relatives and was looking forward to the visit.

  Yesterday, they had met with Henry Gregory to discuss plans to open the new stores in California. After that, D’marcus had taken her to downtown San Francisco for her first cable-car ride. They rode from Union Square to Fisherman’s Wharf, where they dined at a seafood restaurant. Then, holding hands, they strolled through the various shops on the Wharf where she picked up souvenirs for her sisters and cousins.

  It had been late when they’d returned home and, after taking a shower together, they had gone to bed. It was as if they couldn’t get enough of each other and they had made love most of the night.

  “What time is your aunt expecting us?” Opal asked, after taking a sip of her coffee.

  “She wanted us for noon but I explained that we had several projects to complete today, since you’ll be leaving tomorrow. I told her the best we could do was around four.”

  Opal was fully aware of the projects they needed to complete and was anxious to get started. They had several conference calls scheduled, including one from his suppliers in Tokyo. Doing all the legwork for the successful opening of D’marcus’s stores always excited her.

  “Eat up. You and I will be quite busy until at least one o’clock today.”

  “Yes, sir,” she said grinning.

  The look he gave wasn’t one of amusement, so she said, “Sorry.”

  “I’ve told you I don’t like you calling me sir. I never did.”

  “Then, why didn’t you say something about it long ago?”

  “Because it made things a lot easier to keep distance between us.”

  She nodded, understanding his reasoning for that. “And now?”

  “And now I find it quite annoying since I don’t want distance between us anymore.”

  She d
idn’t say anything as she took another sip of her coffee. He wasn’t interested in love or marriage, but he wanted to make sure the two of them got as close as they could get. He had done a good job of proving that, she thought, remembering how they’d slept pressed against each other, barely an inch separating them.

  “Will we be staying overnight at your aunt’s?” Opal asked as she stood to place her coffee cup and cereal bowl in the sink. If they were then she needed to pack an overnight bag.

  “Aunt Marie requested that we do, but I declined. I want to sleep in my own bed tonight with you in it with me.”

  Opal turned to him. “I hope that’s not the reason you gave her.”

  When he didn’t say anything, she raised an arched brow as she held his gaze. “D’marcus, what reason did you give your aunt?”

  After putting his dishes in the sink, he stood in front of her and smiled. “Don’t get uptight on me. I merely told her that with you flying out tomorrow we had a lot of work yet to do that could take us well into the night to finish.”

  Opal rolled her eyes. “I can just imagine what kind of work you’re referring to.”

  “I’ll never tell.”

  “But I’m sure you’re going to show me later, right?” she said, pressing her body against his and wrapping her arms around his neck.

  “That’s a very strong possibility.” He drew in a quick breath when she freed one of her hands and reached down and caressed the front of his zipper, as if testing the state of his arousal.

  “Umm, nice and big,” she whispered into his ear.

  “You’re asking for it, aren’t you?” he said, wrapping his arms around her, as well.

  She laughed. “I’m sure if I was, you would be more than happy to oblige.”

  “Without a moment’s hesitation. How about right now?”

  She shook her head as she removed her arms from around his neck and took a step back. “Sorry. I believe you told your aunt that we had several projects to complete this morning since I’m leaving tomorrow. I suggest we get a headstart on them. Tokyo is expecting a call from you in less than an hour.” With that said, she turned and sashayed out of the kitchen.